Tony Sakich
- Tony Sakich
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Tony Sakich
(aka TonySwish)
Blockchain Marketing & Industry Expertise Services
Blockchain marketing with a proven track record of success, unparalleled in the space.
Marketing Blockchain & Ethereum dApps
Speaking engagements on successful marketing strategies for Ethereum dApps
Oakland University/AMA Talk
My first fully prepared talk originally for devcon1, but presented at Oakland University on November 17th, 2015 upon invitation of Oakland's American Marketing Association Chapter.
Atlanta's Bitcoin Consumer Fair
Sharing my experiences with Bitcoin and Entertainment. Featuring stories and anecdotes on Mastodon, Shooter Jennings, 50 Cent and Warner Bros. Records.
The latest news.
May 25, 2016Upcoming Events Introduction to Ethereum, Blockchains and DAOs Friday, May 27th - 1PM to 2PM Detroit Startup Week Event - Location: Masonic Temple (500 Temple St., Detroit, MI 48201) - Free to attend with registration for Detroit Startup Week. For more information and registration information...March 19, 2016Augur Impresses Long List of Atlanta Companies On March 11th, I attended the MAX Awards for Marketing at the Georgia Aquarium. The MAX Awards are given to the best marketing campaigns or strategies by entities with a presence in Georgia. Augur was named a Finalist for the crowdfunding campaign...February 13, 2016The Podcast This is the pilot episode of "Market Yo Chain" a podcast dedicated to discussion of marketing blockchain projects. The pilot is open-ended and an informal chat about marketing in this space. With myself as the host and Marcello Milteer and Demetrick Ferguson from TheBitcoinPodcast...Blockchain Marketing Services
Projects utilizing Blockchain Technology often require a different set of skills than a traditional marketing firm is prepared to provide.
Knowledge of the space, the technology and the userbase are necessary for any successful execution, and quite often are what’s lacking from an otherwise great project. My experience and success within the field provide direct examples of the flexibility, knowledge and insight that I can provide.
Services I have handled successfully for large brands within the space include social media management, VC Engagement, media creation, public relations, co-branding projects, event planning, customer engagement and even have made the occasional foray into sales.
From managing the brand of one of the highest funded bitcoin brands to helping a 6-person startup have a a crowdsale successfully land in the top 25 highest crowdfunded projects of all time, my services have been able to represent brands to their fullest potential.
In addition to providing consultancy to Blockchain firms, my services are available to Financial Institutions as well as any organizations that are would like to know more about the technology and the field, from a business-centric perspective. A very recent example of providing this service would be my recent collaboration with Singularity University’s Mike Halsall on a Blockchain Technology Report prepared for UK Prime Minister David Cameron. My involvement with decentralize.fm, an industry-focused podcast has resulted in a deep knowledge of the people, projects and stories that make up this industry.
Speaking to both individuals and audiences of non-technical individuals who want to understand this technology and industry is something I love doing. Most of the projects I have been associated with have required me to take a very complicated idea or technology (sometimes with multiple complicated topics) and simplify them so anyone can understand how they work and what they do. It’s not important for almost anyone requiring my services to understand the deep technical intricacies of a project or technology, which is why I go out of my way to only talk about what’s necessary, essential and important.
Industry Accomplishments
Some highlights I have been involved with in the blockchain space
Augur's $5.2 Million Crowdsale
- Top 25 crowdfunding campaign in history
Managed the immensely successful campaign that remains on Wikipedia's top 25 highest funded projects list. The first three days of the campaign had over $2.5 Million raised, beating the Oculus Rift project resulting in coverage from Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, TheStreet, StreetInsider, SiliconANGLE and an in-depth piece from International Business Times UK.
Groundbreaking #BitcoinBowl Social Media Campaign
- Bitcoin's most successful social media campaign
The guest tipping campaign I managed along with partners ChangeTip and ESPN was my sole project during the bowl game sponsorship. In it, guest tippers gave Bitcoin to fans that used the hashtag #BitcoinBowl on Twitter as the game aired live on ESPN. Guest Tippers included ESPN, NewEgg, Warner Brothers, Country singer Shooter Jennings, WWE's Curtis Axel, former UFC fighter Jon Fitch and Andreas Antonopoulos. The results are #BitcoinBowl being the first time the word "bitcoin" trended nationwide on Twitter along with tripling social media engagement numbers from the previous year.
BitPay Commercials With Bitcoin Making It's National TV Debut
- The first two bitcoin commercials to air nationally on prime-time television
Managed the production and project details of BitPay's two commercials that aired nationwide on ESPN. The production was a partnership with Felton Interactive and resulted in national press including an AdAge feature!
50 Cent, Shooter Jennings & Mastodon & Warner Bros. Records Accept Bitcoin
- Music industry celebrities shine light on BitPay
Throughout 2014, I was fortunate to utilize my background in music to help work with artists to accept bitcoin and spread the word. The partnership with 50 Cent received major press that even helped curb talk about his horrendous first pitch. Bitcoin and BitPay were talked about for the first time in unconventional outlets like Fuse, Billboard, NME, and XXL along with mainstays like The Wall Street Journal and TechCrunch.
This was followed up with our partnership with Mastodon, which came out of our great relationship with Warner Bros Records, a publicly traded media giant. My relationship with Shooter turned into a friendship as he is equally obsessed with Blockchain technology, as a result he even made a commercial for BitPay's 2014 Black Friday sales!
Microsoft's Partnership With BitPay to Accept Bitcoin
- Partnering with an industry giant for a huge announcement.
Microsoft and BitPay's partnership announcement was the biggest in the history of the space. The press it received was gigantic and the community reaction was thunderous. The campaign was successful and Microsoft was so happy with both BitPay and the technology itself, that they have dipped much further into Blockchain Tech since this happened. Coinciding with this was the CES announcement of Copay on Windows Phone, the first bitcoin wallet for the platform.
Named A Leader in Blockchain Tech
- 2015 was the year my hard work paid off as leaders, media and businesses became aware of what I've done.
The past few months have been incredible and I feel blessed that the community both recognizes and appreciates the hard work I've done along with my genuine love of this space. In November 2015, Bitcoin Magazine mentioned me alongside many respected individuals (Tyler Winklevoss, Adam White of Coinbase, Stephen Pair of BitPay) in their "Bitcoin Ecosystem Infographic" as a Bitcoin Leader, specifically in the Blockchain Tech. space due to my work with Augur. This coincided with being asked to speak on marketing dApps at devcon1 by Vitalik Buterin, an engagement that I couldn't attend but instead gave a similar talk at Oakland University at the request of the American Marketing Association. I am beyond thankful for this recognition and hope that I can use it to help some amazing Ethereum projects in 2016.
Video Portfolio
Yes, I do video too! Here is a selected portfolio of my work, a more comprehensive portfolio can be found on my Vimeo Page. My roles ranged from scriptwriting, production management, animation creation, filming and editing, with each project varying depending on partners and content.
How Augur Works (Narrated by Shooter Jennings)
This two minute animated explainer video has become the most viewed prediction market video of all time. This was created in partnership with JBC Motion for motion design and animation as well as Shooter Jennings.
BitBoris BitPay Commercial
The first of two ads that were the very first bitcoin commercials to air nationwide on prime-time television. I managed the script and oversaw production in partnership with Felton Interactive.
Reputation 101: How Augur's Reputation Tokens Work
Managed and created the script, animation and editing of this two minute animated video that simplifies the function of Augur's REP tokens in preparation for the crowdsale.
Copay Wallet Launch
A three-minute video announcing BitPay's Copay Wallet along with a full demonstration of it's innovative multi-signature capabilities. I was responsible for the script, production and technical management of the project. The voiceover was provided by Stephanie Murphy of Let's Talk Bitcoin.
BitPay: Accept Bitcoin
Created to send to potential merchants and partners as an easy and quick way to explain all of BitPay's offerings. Managing the production, concept and script in a partnership with JBC Motion for animation and editing.
Copay on Microsoft
Released concurrently with Microsoft's announcement of using BitPay to accept Bitcoin, this debuted at the 2015 CES conference and announced Copay would be the very first Bitcoin Wallet on Microsoft Phones.
BitPay's NFC Announcement & Demonstration
A short demonstration video of BitPay's NFC capability that debuted at the 2014 Money 2020 conference. The response to this so shortly after ApplePay lead to much higher awareness of BitPay at the conference.
Media & Speaking Engagements
Some of my interviews, guest talks and chats with influential industry notables.
Let's Talk Bitcoin Podcast
As guests on the largest and most influential bitcoin related podcast, myself and Joey talk everything Augur.
Ether Review Podcast
Myself and Joey Krug talk about Augur on LTB Network show The Ether Review.
"The Marketing Blueprint" on The Bitcoin Podcast
A detailed chat on my history, my successful campaigns, Augur and my thoughts on the challenges and experiences marketing Blockchain Technology.
Chat with Andreas Antonopoulos on decentralize.fm
The bitcoin guru was a guest on our podcast, here's the hangouts version of our chat.
Augur Chat With Robin Hanson
A short promotional chat and introduction to Augur advisor and godfather of prediction markets, Robin Hanson.
1 on 1 Chat With Music Legend Steve Albini
Mega-producer Steve Albini chats for an hour about Blockchain Tech, Music Distribution, business & much more. An amazing chat with a personal hero. Highly Recommended!!
Notable Blockchain projects I've provided marketing services to
A decentralized prediction market platform
The first major project on Ethereum with a record breaking crowdsale and the potential of being Blockchain's Killer App.
Mosaic/Pacific Coast Securities
Mosaic Visionary/Industry Leader
Participating in phone calls and roundtables with financial executives to educate on blockchain technology, projects within the space, potential areas of disruption as well as a variety of other topics of interest to top executives and portfolio managers of financial firms.
Bitcoin Payment Processor
The largest payment processor of Bitcoin payments and open source supporter of bitcoin.
Decentralize Reddit!
The decentralized reddit project created by former Reddit Cryptocurrency Engineer, Ryan X Charles
A podcast hosted by Blockchain industry leaders
Decentralize.fm features decentralized technology projects and an eclectic variety of guests talking decentralization and blockchain tech.
The Bitcoin Podcast
Recurring Guest
Beginning with episode #32 where I was the featured guest discussing Augur and my history marketing in the space, a great relationship has been built and I have been asked to appear multiple times for roundtable segments and have even provided some behind-the-scenes assistance. This is my favorite current podcast in this space and with guests ranging from the immortal Lil B and Imogen Heap to Ryan X. Charles, Perianne Boring and ShapeShift.io's Erik Voorhees. Every episode feels like hanging out with friends, exactly what a podcast should be! TheBitcoinPodcast.com
Quotes from individuals I have worked with in the past on Blockchain related projects, below are quotes focused on a specific project.
"I have to thank my friend @TonySwish and @BitPay for working so hard with me to make so much happen for me and music in general. BitPay takes nothing. And the convenience and ease makes it the strongest in my opinion. I love @TonySwish”
- Shooter Jennings, Country Music Artist & Owner of BCR Media
“Tony is one of the early mentors to the highly successful DigixDAO crowdsale. The Digix team approached him at the early stage of our planning and discussion and Tony provided great insights on how the Augur project went and his recommendations were salient and very meaningful. The Digix team are very thankful for our connection with him and there's no doubt, Tony is a real expert on crowdfunding and capital raising. His project at Augur is a testament to his abilities.”
- Shaun Djie, Co-Founder at DigixGlobal (on raising $5.5 Million Dollars in 12 hours)
"Tony gets how to market something extremely technical in a digestible way: he took our team, which had no formal experience marketing a product, and not only did a killer job (our organization went from fairly low profile to having genuine excitement and a top 25 crowdfunding campaign), but also provided an extraordinarily valuable perspective."
"Tony was extremely creative and accommodating. Executing a first of it's kind promotion can be challenging. But with Tony's guidance, WBR was able to launch pre-orders using Bitcoin for Mastodon's 2014 album, "Once More 'Round The Sun." Piloting this promotion would't have been possible without Tony's passion and strategic marketing chops.”
- Kazy Brown, Senior Director of Interactive Marketing for Warner Bros. Records
"In a field full of unsolicited emails trying to sell you something with buzzwords and a lot of bullshit, I think he tries to do everything he can to be the opposite"
- Marcello Milteer, Host - The Bitcoin Podcast (Link Here)
"Wow! What a powerhouse Tony is. It's rare to work with someone so energetic, thoughtful, persistent and dedicated -- someone who not only has great ideas, but also executes on them fearlessly. Tony is that person to me. It's not only fun to work with Tony, it's also very personally and professionally rewarding. I can't wait to work with Tony more in 2015, and recommend you do at any chance you get, too.”
- Victoria Van Eyk, Management Consultant & Head of Community for ChangeTip
"Tony is the most passionate team member I've ever worked with. He cares very strongly about every project he works on. Although I am a software engineer I have been fortunate enough to work with Tony on several marketing related projects, and am always impressed with the ideas he brings to the table. Tony is not afraid to get out there and get things done, and is incredible at making connections and motivating people"
- Charles Ferguson, Lead Developer at Coinnections & Former Software Engineer at BitPay
"Tony is great at thinking outside the box. He always comes in with valuable new ideas on how we should move forward as a team. He also happens to be a pleasure to work with. He is a overall an amazing strategist and colleague."
- Julia Patterson, Communications Manager at BitPay
"Tony Sakich has built up quite the reputation while working for other companies in the Bitcoin space. BitPay, for example, has become a household name in the Bitcoin payment processing world, and Tony has worked with them in the past. In addition, Tony has been privileged to work with other large organizations on various blockchain technology-related projects. As a Marketing Consultant, such a resumé is invaluable. With names such as PayPal, Twitch, Sacramento Kings, ESPN, and Zynga on the list of companies Tony has worked with, he is in a prime position to share his knowledge of the blockchain technology landscape to this very date."
- JP Buntinx, TheMerkle.com
"Tony is just not intimidated by much. He's one of those people you remember."
- Larry Schramm, Engineering Manager at General Motors & Marketing Professor at Oakland University
Project Testimonials
On Augur:
“The marketing was truly excellent. I think it was really a model that should inspire other startups and projects in the blockchain and ethereum space, because what they did was really amazing. The videos, the help, the support, the community, the presentation…everything they do is very smart, clear and very accessible. Everything that has been done on Ethereum is very smart but is not always very accessible to outsiders, contrary to what augur did so a lot of stuff to learn from them”
- Simon Janin, Investment Analyst at simonjanin.ch
On Augur:
"His focus on image and approaching every decision with care as to both how it'll be perceived and timed, as well as the ability to market from a grassroots level and get it done without spending a lot of money are really key to his success. If you need to engage with any sort of community, I can't think of anyone better to help you do it than Tony.”
- Joey Krug, Co-founder & Lead Developer of Augur
On BitPay:
"BitPay is a company you can model your reddit strategy after. They respond to just about every mention of their brand and then leverage community to make important announcements and gather feedback."
- Patrick O'Keefe, ManagingCommunities.com
On BitPay:
"A majority of 2014's successful marketing efforts for BitPay were the result of Tony's planning and execution. He is a master at bootstrapping and getting the most for the very least. Many of BitPay's most successful announcements were directly or indirectly because of Tony's work."
- Wesley N. Pitts, former Client Operations Engineer for BitPay
Selected press that I have done for projects as well as press featuring my expertise as an influential leader in Blockchain Technology.
- Bitcoin Magazine
- International Business Times UK
- OU Magazine
- Bitcoin Magazine
Corporate & Tech Collaborations
As one of the leading marketers in the bitcoin space, I have had the opportunity to work with many extremely large organizations on various Blockchain Technology related projects. These partnerships have enabled me to feel comfortable working with companies significantly larger than any other Marketing Consultants in the space. The ability to successfully communicate with partners with no technical knowledge of the technology is where I shine.
Finance & Payments Collaborations
These a few of the larger organizations in the Finance and Payments sectors that I have worked with on Blockchain projects in the past.
Charitable & Non-Profit Collaborations
My favorite and most rewarding collaborations were charitable organizations and non-profits. My exact role in these projects ranges from very minor to very large (for example Ferguson Public Library which was completely sold, signed up, integrated and promoted by myself). The ability to go out of my way to promote some of my favorite charities and non-profit open source projects like The Internet Archive (Archive.org), Electronic Frontier Foundation and The TOR Project was immensely rewarding as well.
Follow My Updates & Contact Me
View my Vimeo page to see my video portfolio that represents promotional content and walkthroughs I have created. My Twitter feed is the most active and is where I talk about the industry the most. LinkedIn has a comprehensive listening of my accomplishments and professional history. Tumblr has a huge array of content, with some focusing on personal interests and hobbies and others centered on my work and participation in the decentralized tech industry. Last my email address, it's classic but it still works!
About Me
This page attempts to be as comprehensive as possible, but if something is missing I am usually available to answer any questions that are asked.
Tony Sakich
Namesake & Primary Consultant
Since Augur's crowdsale in 2015, one of my main goals has been to educate other projects on what we were successful with and what strategies we would have changed. My current role at Augur is reduced from it's crowdsale peak, which has given me the opportunity to increase my consultation efforts and utilizing my expertise to assist financial organizations with knowledge of the field.
Copyright 2015